Clara Almagro Vidal, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
Abstract: The research project “Muslims in Signorial lands: an Integrative Perspective in Medieval Iberia” (for further information visit: not only aims to detect the administrative and territorial framing of Muslim communities in Christian Iberia, but also seeks to analyse the relations between Muslims and their lords in both a legal and organisational framework. With this contribution project member Clara Almagro Vidal offers a close-up look of the project and shares some preliminary results.
Although they were theoretically part of the treasure of the Christian kings in medieval Iberia, Muslims often lived in lands that were not under Royal jurisdiction throughout the Middle Ages. The presence of Muslim communities in signorial lands within the Christian kingdoms of medieval Iberia is of great interest for the study of this religious minority because it reflects an overlapping of jurisdictional spheres of a different nature depending on the type of lordship and the conditions under which the lands were given the lords. These lordships, whether nobiliary, ecclesiastical, municipal or of any other type, formed an element of distortion for the exercise of royal authority, fragmenting its capacity to act and generating, through the exercise of its unequal prerogatives, a wide range of circumstances that determined the life of Muslims in these areas.
Moreover, although not exclusively, Muslims were often settled in rural communities or located in small population centres that did not become fully urban. Areas with these characteristics have traditionally received less interest in historiography.
The research project Muslims in Signorial lands: an Integrative Perspective in Medieval Iberia, funded by the Regional Government of Madrid through its programme for talent attraction (2020-T1/HUM-20291), was born from the awareness of the relevance of this phenomenon and the gap in existing scholarship.
The researchers involved in the project are focusing on a number of points of interest: Detecting forms of administrative and territorial framing of communities on manorial lands; Analysing relations between Muslims and their lords and the effects of the overlapping of different jurisdictional spheres, both at the individual and collective level; and explore the impact that the two previous points had in the internal organisation of these communities, including the characteristics and attributions of the officials and governing bodies of the Muslim community, the functioning of obligations towards the Christians and towards themselves, and relations with the Christian authorities.
Although the project is still underway, some provisional findings are coming to light. For one, the strategies used by lords show significant similarities across the Crowns of Castile and Aragon. For another, Muslims were perceived as valuable dependents, whose permanence was often sought and even a point of contention between lords. Moreover, the unstable balance and struggles for power between the various Christian authorities had an obvious impact on Muslims. At times, Muslims were key elements in the entrenchment and legitimisation of signiorial power, and at others they were reduced to pawns affected by the ambitions of the various Christian actors. Observation of the multiple manifestations of lordship allows us to identify the different factors at play at each moment and their relative weight.
Selected Bibliography
Almagro Vidal, Clara. “Grammars of Dependence. A Historical Semantics Approach to Population Charters Granted by Military Orders to Muslims in Medieval Iberia”, Österreiche Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 34-2 (2023), pp. 105-124.
Almagro Vidal, Clara (ed.), Musulmanes y señores en la Edad Media Peninsular, Monographic issue in Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Edad Media, 37 (2024), pp. 15-204.
Moreno Moreno, Yolanda, “El negocio de mantener una aljama musulmana en tierras de señorío. El caso de Talavera de la Reina”, Musulmanes y señores en la Edad Media Peninsular, Número monográfico en Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Edad Media, 37 (2024), pp.145-166.
García de Gea, Jorge Ángel, “Musulmanes al servicio de la nobleza: fuentes testamentarias bajomedievales”, Musulmanes y señores en la Edad Media Peninsular, Número monográfico en Espacio, Tiempo y Forma: Edad Media, 37 (2024), pp.63-90.
Photo: Ceiling of the chapel in Mesones de Isuela castle (Zaragoza), Clara Almagro Vidal (15.07.2024).
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Clara Almagro Vidal (7. August 2024). Muslims and Lords in Medieval Iberia. Blog der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Iberomediaevistik. Abgerufen am 24. Januar 2025 von